Voting Access
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1 SB152   Sen. Lawson (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Primaries For Election Of Delegates To National Conventions And For Presidential Preference

Spells out rules and regulations for the presidential preference primary elections, and would also establish rules for ranked choice voting tabulation and results reporting by the secretary of state.

Elections;  State Departments; 

01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

2 SB282   Sen. Morgan (R)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Mail Ballots

Requires verification of an applicant's date of birth and either a Rhode Island driver's license number or state identification number on all applications seeking mail ballots and emergency mail ballots.

Driver Licenses;  Elections; 

02/13/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

3 SB283   Sen. Morgan (R)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Mail Ballots

Requires that only the mail ballot voter/spouse/court appointed guardian/cohabitant/or adult person related to the voter by blood or marriage, be allowed to physically mail the voted mail ballot.

Elections;  Guardians/Conservators;  Marriage; 

02/13/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

4 SB423   Sen. Gallo (D)
An Act Relating To Education -- The Education Equity And Property Tax Relief Act

Establishes a new categorical funding category for civics education.

Education;  Taxation; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

5 SB517   Sen. Mack (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- General Provisions

Allows citizens of a city or town who are at least sixteen (16) years of age to register to vote and to vote in school committee elections in municipalities where school committees are elected entities.

Cities & Towns;  Education;  Elections; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

6 SB520   Sen. Bissaillon (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Mail Ballots

Modernizes and streamlines the existing processes for getting on the permanent mail ballot application list.


02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

7 SB524   Sen. Quezada (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Residence Of Individuals In Government Custody Act

Requires state use actual residences of persons in government custody for redistricting purposes. Information would be collected by the department of corrections and forwarded to the division of statewide planning, to be utilized for redistricting.

Correctional Institutions;  Elections;  State Affairs;  State Departments; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

8 SB638   Sen. Euer (D)
An Act Relating To Education -- Curriculum

Develops standards of civics education in grades K-12 teaching history in the state of Rhode Island, representative government, the rights and duties of actively engaged citizenship, principals of democracy, and media literacy.

Children and Families;  Education;  Minors;  State Affairs; 

03/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Education

9 SB729   Sen. Tikoian (D)
An Act Relating To Criminal Offenses -- Threats And Extortion

Considers election officials and poll workers "public officials" for purposes of the prohibition on making threats to public officials.

Criminal Offense;  Elections;  Public Officers;  Secretary of State; 

03/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary

10 HB5084   Rep. Ackerman (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Conduct Of Election And Voting Equipment, And Supplies

Adds early voting to the fifty (50) feet buffer prohibitions against politicking on election day voting.


01/16/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

11 HB5232   Rep. Brien (I)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Mail Ballots

Authorizes early voting for the ten (10) calendar days except the second weekend prior immediately preceding election day, while requiring, as is practicable, that all the election day protections and procedures be afforded to early voters.


01/29/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

12 HB5274   Rep. Cruz (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Residence Of Individuals In Government Custody Act

Requires state use actual residences of persons in government custody for redistricting purposes. Information would be collected by the department of corrections and forwarded to the secretary of state to be utilized for redistricting.

Correctional Institutions;  Elections;  State Departments; 

01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections
02/11/2025  Withdrawn at sponsor's request

13 HB5275   Rep. Kislak (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Primary Elections--General Assembly Offices--Ranked Choice Voting

Establishes an instant runoff form of ranked choice voting limited, to general assembly primary elections, with three (3) or more candidates.

Elections;  General Assembly; 

01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

14 HB5276   Rep. Shanley (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Primaries For Election Of Delegates To National Conventions And For Presidential Preference

Establishes the Ranked Choice Voting for Rhode Island Presidential Primaries and provides for new sections on ranked choice voting tabulation and results reporting.


01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

15 HB5277   Rep. Corvese (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Primary Elections

Changes the process of nominating candidates for the general election, by replacing the political party primary with a primary general election.


01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

16 HB5300   Rep. Dawson (D)
An Act Relating To Criminal Offenses -- Threats And Extortion

Considers election officials and poll workers "public officials" for purposes of the prohibition on making threats to public officials.

Criminal Offense;  Elections;  Public Officers;  Secretary of State; 

02/05/2025  Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
03/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/11/2025)

17 HB5382   Rep. Felix (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- General Provisions

Allows citizens of a city or town who are at least sixteen (16) years of age to register to vote and to vote in school committee elections in municipalities where school committees are elected entities.

Cities & Towns;  Education;  Elections; 

02/07/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

18 HB5383   Rep. Place (R)
An Act Relating To Elections --Primary Election Dates

Changes primary election to Wednesday if after Labor Day and does not mandate local boards of election to have voter registration drive at high school.

Board of Elections;  Elections; 

02/07/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

19 HB5384   Rep. Boylan (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Conduct Of Election And Voting Equipment, And Supplies

Increases from 7 days to 9 days the period of time in which a request for a recount of the votes cast can be made to the board of elections and no certificates of election may be issued until the recount, if any, is completed.

Board of Elections;  Elections; 

02/07/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

20 HB5514   Rep. Furtado (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Mail Ballots

Exempts emergency mail ballots from the requirement to have certain wording regarding "mail voters" on the ballot.

Elections;  Secretary of State; 

02/13/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

21 HJR5515   Rep. Alzate (D)
Joint Resolution To Approve And Publish And Submit To The Electors A Proposition Of Amendment To The Constitution -- Of Suffrage

Would propose to the voters of the state a constitutional amendment regarding eligibility to vote and to be a candidate.

Elections;  Resolutions;  Secretary of State; 

02/13/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

22 HB5708   Rep. Fascia (R)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Registration Of Voters

Allows automatic voter registration for Rhode Islanders applying for hunting and fishing licenses.

Animals;  Elections;  Fish & Wildlife;  Licenses; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

23 HB5709   Rep. Serpa (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Mail Ballots

Modernizes and streamlines the existing processes for getting on the permanent mail ballot application list.


02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

24 HB5711   Rep. Brien (I)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Mail Ballots

Requires verification of an applicant's date of birth and either a Rhode Island driver's license number or state identification number on all applications seeking mail ballots and emergency mail ballots.

Driver Licenses;  Elections; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

25 HB5873   Rep. Roberts (R)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Mail Ballots

Requires verification of an applicant's date of birth and either a Rhode Island driver's license number or state identification number on all applications seeking mail ballots and emergency mail ballots.

Driver Licenses;  Elections; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections

26 HB5874   Rep. Cruz (D)
An Act Relating To Elections -- Voting

Makes it easier to vote for people eligible to vote who are incarcerated at the Rhode Island adult correctional institute and creates the position of "voting coordinator," within the department of corrections.

Correctional Institutions;  Elections;  State Departments; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections