1 | SB27 |
Sen. Ujifusa (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Property Tax Relief
Increases the income range up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and tax credit up to eight hundred fifty dollars ($850), for elderly and disabled persons who own or rent their homes. Handicapped; Housing; Property; Seniors; Taxation;
01/23/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
2 | SB37 |
Sen. Gu (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Real Estate Conveyance Tax
Allows a municipality to set its own conveyance tax rate for residential properties sold in excess of $900,000.00 at $10 per $500. Provides collected taxes to be in a restricted account and distributed within 2 years for affordable housing. Cities & Towns; Housing; Real Estate; Taxation;
01/23/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
3 | SB44 |
Sen. Sosnowski (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Grants the town council of the town of South Kingstown the authority to enact a homestead exemption ordinance. Housing; Property; South Kingstown; Taxation;
01/23/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
4 | SB98 |
Sen. Valverde (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Property Subject To Taxation
Provides tax credits or the equivalent assessment dollars to veterans, gold star parents, visually impaired persons and the elderly. North Kingstown; Property; Seniors; Taxation; Veterans;
01/31/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
5 | SB186 |
Sen. McKenney (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Personal Income Tax
Allows real property owner a one-time non-refundable tax credit for the actual costs of connecting a single family or multi-family dwelling to a municipal sewer system credited to the owner's personal or corporate income tax. Cities & Towns; Property; Public Utilities; Sewers; Taxation;
02/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
6 | SB328 |
Sen. Ujifusa (D)
An Act Relating To Towns And Cities -- State Aid
Reinstates general revenue sharing of state aid among the 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island. The initial amount is based upon population, and increased annually thereafter based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers. Cities & Towns; State Affairs;
02/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
7 | SB335 |
Sen. LaMountain (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Sales And Use Taxes -- Liability And Computation
Removes the exemption from the state hotel tax for residences rented in their entirety. Effective 1/1/2026. Hotel; Taxation;
02/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
8 | SB341 |
Sen. Raptakis (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Property Subject To Taxation
Provides a full property tax exemption for a veteran’s real property used as the veteran's primary residence. Property; Taxation; Veterans;
02/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
9 | SB351 |
Sen. DiPalma (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Allows the town of Middletown to adopt a tax classification plan for residential real estate which divides the class into non-owner and owner-occupied properties with separate tax rates. Housing; Middletown; Property; Real Estate; Taxation;
02/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government |
10 | SB437 |
Sen. Kallman (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Non-Owner Occupied Property Tax Act
Imposes a non-owner occupied property tax on residential properties assessed in excess of eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) at variable rates dependent on values assessed by local tax assessors. Property; Taxation;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
11 | SB438 |
Sen. Raptakis (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Property Subject To Taxation
Provides a full property tax exemption for a veteran’s real property used as the veteran's primary residence. Property; Taxation; Veterans;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
12 | SB455 |
Sen. Paolino (R) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Estate And Transfer Taxes--Liability And Computation
Increases the net taxable estate exemption to $3,600,000 on January 1, 2026 and increases the exemption by $1,000,000 on January 1, 2027, and every year thereafter. Real Estate; Taxation;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
13 | SB494 |
Sen. Burke (D) |
An Act Relating To Towns And Cities -- Ordinances
Allows unpaid fines for violations of municipal ordinances to be recorded as alien in the land records, where the violating real property is located. The lien would be added to amount of real estate taxes owed on the property at issue. Cities & Towns; Property; Real Estate; Taxation; West Warwick;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government |
14 | SB675 |
Sen. Acosta (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Defines Class 5 property to include the commercial portion of mixed use properties and fix the tax rate for Class 3 property at thirty-eight dollars and 33 cents ($38.33) per one thousand dollars ($1,000). Central Falls; Property; Taxation;
03/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance |
15 | SB723 |
Sen. Thompson (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Exempts certain cities and towns whose communities exceed the low and moderate income housing threshold from the tax of the previous year's gross scheduled rental income. Cities & Towns; Housing; Property; Taxation; Woonsocket;
03/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government |
16 | HB5194 |
Rep. Cotter (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Property Tax Relief
Increases the income range up to $50,000 and tax credit up to $850, for elderly and disabled persons who own or rent their homes. Handicapped; Housing; Property; Seniors; Taxation;
01/24/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
17 | HB5236 |
Rep. Phillips (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Subjects residential properties which are a part of certain federal programs to a 12% tax of the prior year's rental income. Housing; Property; Taxation;
01/29/2025 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing |
18 | HB5285 |
Rep. Morales (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Property Subject To Taxation
Authorizes a host city or town to impose a two percent (2%) tax on the endowment of a private institution of higher education that is in excess of one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000), to be used only for the host public school district. Cities & Towns; Higher Education; Property; Taxation;
01/31/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
19 | HB5308 |
Rep. Voas (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Permits every municipality in the state to offer a homestead tax exemption of up to 20% of assessed value on residential properties, and also provides that municipalities that grant greater exemptions not be limited by this section. Cities & Towns; Property; State Affairs; Taxation;
02/05/2025 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing |
20 | HB5316 |
Rep. Finkelman (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Housing Flexible Spending Account Act Of 2025
Establishes the Housing Flexible Spending Account Act of 2025 allowing Rhode Island employers to contribute pre-tax income into a housing flexible spending account (H-FSA), for employees to be used for qualified housing expenses. Housing; State Employees; Taxation;
02/05/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
21 | HB5370 |
Rep. Casimiro (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Property Subject To Taxation
Provides tax credits or the equivalent assessment dollars to veterans, gold star parents, visually impaired persons and the elderly. North Kingstown; Property; Taxation; Veterans;
02/07/2025 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing |
22 | HB5402 |
Rep. Place (R) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Business Corporation Tax -- Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act
Creates business tax credit for, eliminates sale tax on, eliminates income tax on the sale of, and creates a 10 year tax valuation freeze on newly renovated affordable housing. Housing; Taxation;
02/07/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
23 | HB5688 |
Rep. Speakman (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Provides an 8% tax rate for those properties that are encumbered by a deed restriction for low-income housing set at 80% or 60% of adjusted median income established by HUD. Housing; Providence; Taxation;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing |
24 | HB5693 |
Rep. Serpa (D) |
An Act Relating To Towns And Cities -- Ordinances
Allows municipalities to seek recovery of fines associated with ordinance violations by permitting the municipality to include the fines on a property tax bill. Cities & Towns; Property; Taxation; West Warwick;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing |
25 | HB5696 |
Rep. Perez (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Places a cap of twenty percent (20%) on increases in consecutive revaluations of real property in all cities and towns conducting revaluations commencing December 31, 2025, and every December 31 thereafter. Property; Taxation;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing |
26 | HB5741 |
Rep. Hull (D) |
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Rebuild Rhode Island Tax Credit
Amends provisions related to the maximum project credit allowed under the rebuild Rhode Island tax credit for certain qualified development projects. Providence; State Affairs; Taxation;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
27 | HB5752 |
Rep. Ajello (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- The Non-Owner Occupied Property Tax
Imposes a property tax on non-owner occupied residential properties assessed worth at one million dollars ($1,000,000) and less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) and a higher tax on properties assessed at two million dollars ($2,000,000) or more. Property; Taxation;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
28 | HB5756 |
Rep. McGaw (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Real Estate Conveyance Tax
Allows a municipality to set its own conveyance tax rate for residential properties sold in excess of $900,000.00 at $10 per $500. Provides collected taxes to be in a restricted account and distributed within 2 years for affordable housing. Cities & Towns; Housing; Property; Real Estate; Taxation;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
29 | HB5784 |
Rep. Carson (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Sales And Use Taxes -- Liability And Computation
Includes "hosting platform" under the definition of "room-seller" and imposes a tax of 5% on the rental of a house or condominium with the tax used exclusively for infrastructure improvements, riverine and coastal resiliency and housing. Housing; Taxation;
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
30 | HB6010 |
Rep. Kislak (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Real Estate Conveyance Tax
Allows the city of Providence to impose an additional conveyance tax of three quarters of one percent (0.75%) on sale of any real property in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000). Property; Providence; Taxation;
02/28/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
31 | HB6011 |
Rep. Lima, C. (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Property Subject To Taxation
Removes state-owned property from property exempt from local property taxes. Property; State Affairs; Taxation;
02/28/2025 Introduced, referred to House Finance |
32 | HB6043 |
Rep. Finkelman (D) |
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Levy And Assessment Of Local Taxes
Makes certain technical amendments /clarifications to the statutes relating to the assessment of real property and the timing and process to appeals thereof. Property; Taxation;
03/07/2025 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing |