An Housing Network of RI track, shared via a publicly-accessible link. Recent actions will be highlighted
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1 SB42   Sen. Felag (D)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Quasi-Public Corporations Accountability And Transparency Act

Provides that funds or monies collected by designated quasi-public corporations or agencies not be subject to transfer or reallocation by order of the governor or general assembly.

Corporations;  State Affairs; 

01/23/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance
01/31/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/04/2025)
02/04/2025  Committee recommended measure be held for further study (9-0)

2 SJR174   Sen. Urso (D)
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $500,000 To Establish A Statewide Main Street Coordinating Program

Authorizes the appropriation of the sum of $500,000 for the formal establishment of “Main Street Rhode Island”.

Appropriation;  Resolutions; 

02/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

3 SB258   Sen. LaMountain (D)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Department Of Public Safety -- Victims Of Crime Trauma Informed Mobilization Act

Establishes VICTIM Fund grant program to support nonprofit organizations providing victim services in Rhode Island with the state allocating $30,000,000 per year to fund the program and staffing within the department of public safety.

Criminal Offense;  Domestic Relations;  State Affairs;  State Departments;  Victims of Crime; 

02/13/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

4 SJR262   Sen. Murray (D)
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $500,000 To Sojourner House In Rhode Island

Authorizes the appropriation of the sum of $500,000 to Sojourner House to support its permanent housing development program that provides safe, secure housing to individuals and families fleeing from dangerous situations.

Appropriation;  Housing;  Resolutions; 

02/13/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

5 SB446   Sen. Vargas (D)
An Act Relating To Capital Development Program -- 2026 Bond Referenda

Submits 2026 capital development program requesting the issuance of $100,000,000 in general obligation bonds to the voters for approval at the November, 2026, general election.

Bonds;  Elections;  State Affairs; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

6 HJR5055   Rep. Casimiro (D)
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $500,000 To Amos House

Would authorize the appropriation of the sum of $500,000 to Amos House.

Appropriation;  Providence;  Resolutions; 

01/15/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance

7 HR5076   Rep. Abney (D)
House Resolution Making Appropriations For The Support Of The State For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2026

Budget;  Governor; 

01/16/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance

8 HJR5234   Rep. Shallcross Smith (D)
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $500,000 To The United Way Of Rhode Island For The 2-1-1 Human Services Hotline

This resolution would authorize the appropriation of the sum of $500,000 to the United Way of Rhode Island to provide operational support for the 2-1-1 system.

Appropriation;  Resolutions; 

01/29/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance

9 HJR5323   Rep. Casey (D)
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $500,000 To Sojourner House In Rhode Island

Authorizes the appropriation of the sum of $500,000 to Sojourner House to support its permanent housing development program that provides safe, secure housing to individuals and families fleeing from dangerous situations.

Appropriation;  Children and Families;  Housing;  Resolutions; 

02/05/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance

10 HB5390   Rep. Craven (D)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Department Of Public Safety -- Victims Of Crime Trauma Informed Mobilization Act

Establishes VICTIM Fund grant program to support nonprofit organizations providing victim services in Rhode Island with the state allocating $30,000,000 per year to fund the program and staffing within the department of public safety.

Criminal Offense;  Domestic Relations;  Health & Safety;  State Affairs;  State Departments;  Victims of Crime; 

02/07/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance

11 HJR5477   Rep. Handy (D)
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $500,000 To Establish A Statewide Main Street Coordinating Program

Authorizes the appropriation of the sum of $500,000 for the formal establishment of “Main Street Rhode Island”.

Appropriation;  Resolutions;  State Affairs; 

02/12/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance

12 HB6006   Rep. Tanzi (D)
An Act Relating To Capital Development Program -- 2026 Bond Referenda

Submits the state's 2025 capital development program requesting the issuance of general obligation bonds totaling twenty five million dollars ($25,000,000) for approval of the electorate at the general election to be held on November 3, 2026.

Bonds;  Elections;  State Affairs; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance

13 HJR6020   Rep. Alzate (D)
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $32,594,799 To The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority

Appropriates the sum of $32,594,799 to the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority.

Appropriation;  Resolutions;  RIPTA;  Transportation; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance