Utilities and Transit
An Housing Network of RI track, shared via a publicly-accessible link. Recent actions will be highlighted
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1 SB86   Sen. Kallman (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Termination Of Service To Persons Who Are Disabled, Seriously Ill, Or In Arrears Of Payment

Extends the forbearance of utility terminations for customers with serious illness certifications and would amend various provisions related to the termination of utility services for persons who are disabled, seriously ill, or in arrears.

Electricity;  Handicapped;  Health & Safety;  Medical;  Public Utilities; 

01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce

2 SB92   Sen. Kallman (D)
An Act Relating To Motor And Other Vehicles -- Rideshare Or Transportation Network Company Vehicle Surcharge

Imposes a seventy-five cent (0.75) surcharge on fares charged by rideshare companies as well as an account to benefit RIPTA from the payment of sales taxes collected from rideshares.

Buses;  Computer Technology;  Fees;  Motor Vehicles;  Taxation;  Transportation; 

01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

3 SB185   Sen. Sosnowski (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Duties Of Utilities And Carriers

Creates an income-sensitive tiered subsidy program to ensure that home energy utility costs are affordable for eligible low-income households.

Energy;  Human Services;  Public Assistance;  Public Utilities;  Public Works; 

02/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

4 SJR342   Sen. McKenney (D)
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $32,594,799 To The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority

Authorizes the appropriation of the sum of $32,594,799 to the RI Public Transit Authority to continue services, hire and train more bus operators, and implement the State's Act on Climate goals.

Appropriation;  Buses;  Resolutions;  RIPTA;  Transportation; 

02/21/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

5 SB377   Sen. Ujifusa (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Broadband Deployment And Investment Act

Establishes the “2025 Rhode Island Broadband Transparency and Consumer Protection Act."

Adm/Public Utilities;  Computer Technology;  Public Utilities; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce

6 SB380   Sen. Rogers (R)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Public Utilities Commission

Requires the public utilities commission (PUC) to produce a report by January 1, 2026 and each January 1 thereafter, on the ability for the current electric grid to handle the electrification load need to power cars, buildings, and heating of homes.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Electric Vehicles;  Electricity;  Public Utilities; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce

7 SB382   Sen. Bissaillon (D)
An Act Relating To Labor And Labor Relations -- The Commuter Transportation Benefits Act

Establishes the commuter transportation benefit chapter. Employers with five hundred (500) or more employees would be required to establish a pre-tax commuter transportation fringe benefit program.

Labor;  Transportation; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce
03/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/11/2025)

8 SB385   Sen. Ujifusa (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Public Utilities Commission -- 2025 Utility Company Billing Transparency Act

Impose requirements and actions that certain electric distribution and gas distribution companies must meet prior to implementing rate changes.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Electricity;  Gas;  Public Utilities; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce

9 SB419   Sen. Britto (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation -- Sales And Use Taxes -- Liability And Computation

Establishes a restricted receipt account for the benefit of the Rhode Island public transit authority, funded by sales taxes collected from ride-share companies, which said sales taxes would be exempt from indirect cost recovery provisions.

RIPTA;  Taxation;  Transportation; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

10 SB630   Sen. Rogers (R)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Transparency In Electric And Gas Bills Act

Requires electric and gas utilities to provide a detailed breakdown of supply, delivery, and public policy costs on electric and gas bills, including specific costs for renewable energy sources, and mandates public comment and PUC approval.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Electricity;  Energy;  Gas;  Public Utilities;  Solar Panel; 

03/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce

11 HB5068   Rep. Cruz (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Termination Of Service To Persons Who Are Disabled, Seriously Ill, Or In Arrears Of Payment

Extends the forbearance of utility terminations for customers with serious illness certifications and would amend various provisions related to the termination of utility services for persons who are disabled, seriously ill, or in arrears.

Electricity;  Gas;  Handicapped;  Health & Safety;  Public Utilities; 

01/16/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

12 HB5105   Rep. Lombardi (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Rhode Island Public Transit Authority

Enables the Rhode Island public transit authority (RIPTA) to work with the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) to allow commuter rail passes to be used as dual passes for both RIPTA and MBTA.

Public Utilities;  Railroads;  RIPTA;  Transportation; 

01/22/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

13 HB5106   Rep. Lombardi (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers - Regulatory Powers Of Administration

Provides that any rate increase with respect to electric distribution companies would be no greater than the increase in the Consumer Price Index or 5.5%, whichever is greater, unless there is approval of a higher rate by the general assembly.

Electricity;  Public Utilities; 

01/22/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

14 HB5122   Rep. Lombardi (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Broadband Deployment And Investment Act

Establishes a statewide broadband community outreach coordinator to assist state residents interested in learning more and/or applying for the federal Affordable Connectivity Program.

Computer Technology;  Public Assistance;  Public Utilities; 

01/22/2025  Introduced, referred to House Innovation, Internet, & Technology
02/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/11/2025)
02/11/2025  Committee recommended measure be held for further study

15 HJR5161   Rep. Cotter (D)
Joint Resolution Creating A Special Joint Legislative Commission To Study Public Ownership Of Public Utilities

Creates a special joint legislative study commission to study public ownership of certain public utilities, including electricity and natural gas.

Commissions;  Electricity;  Gas;  Public Utilities; 

01/24/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

16 HB5245   Rep. Slater (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Public Utilities Commission

Creates an income-sensitive tiered subsidy program to ensure that home energy utility costs are affordable for eligible low-income households.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Electricity;  Energy;  Gas;  Human Services;  Public Utilities; 

01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

17 HB5304   Rep. Hull (D)
An Act Relating To Labor And Labor Relations -- The Commuter Transportation Benefits Act

Establishes the commuter transportation benefit chapter. Employers with five hundred (500) or more employees would be required to establish a pre-tax commuter transportation fringe benefit program.

Labor;  Transportation; 

02/05/2025  Introduced, referred to House Labor
02/28/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/05/2025)
03/05/2025  Committee recommended measure be held for further study

18 HB5405   Rep. Morales (D)
An Act Relating To Taxation - Sales And Use Taxes - Liability And Computation

Establishes a restricted receipt account for the benefit of the Rhode Island public transit authority, funded by sales taxes collected from ride-share companies, which said sales taxes would be exempt from indirect cost recovery provisions.

Taxation;  Transportation; 

02/07/2025  Introduced, referred to House Finance

19 HB5547   Rep. Solomon (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Public Utilities Commission

Increases the public utilities reserve fund cap and the cap on expenses relating to the public utilities commission and the division of public utilities and carriers representing the state before federal agencies.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Appropriation;  Public Utilities Commission (PUC); 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

20 HB5577   Rep. Cotter (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Public Utilities Commission -- 2025 Utility Company Billing Transparency Act

Impose requirements and actions that certain electric distribution and gas distribution companies must meet prior to implementing rate changes.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Electricity;  Gas;  Public Utilities; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

21 HB5578   Rep. Kazarian (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Regulatory Powers Of Administration

Prohibits public utilities from raising the cost for access to the internet for senior citizens.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Computer Technology;  Seniors; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

22 HB5579   Rep. Paplauskas (R)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Public Utilities Commission

Requires the public utilities commission to produce a report each January containing an analysis of the electric grid and its ability to supply the electricity needs to power cars, buildings and heat homes within the state.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Electricity;  Public Utilities;  State Affairs; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

23 HB5580   Rep. Potter (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Net Metering

Prohibits utility companies from limiting the eligibility of a net metering site based on prior consumption and requires excess energy not consumed under the net metering system to be credited to the consumer.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Energy;  Public Utilities; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

24 HB5583   Rep. Fascia (R)
An Act Relating To Towns And Cities -- Zoning Ordinances

Limits the development of utility scale solar energy projects.

Cities & Towns;  Energy;  Public Utilities;  Solar Panel;  Zoning; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

25 HB5813   Rep. Caldwell (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Public Utilities Commission

Mandates any utility provider from increasing the transmission and distribution fees paid by a consumer for a period of two (2) years.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Electricity;  Fees;  Public Utilities; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

26 HB5815   Rep. Morales (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Public Utilities Commission

Establishes an intervenor support program to provide compensation for an intervenor who makes a substantial contribution to a proceeding resulting in a decision favorable to the interest of utility consumers.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Public Utilities; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

27 HB5817   Rep. McGaw (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Broadband Deployment And Investment Act

Establishes the “2025 Rhode Island Broadband Transparency and Consumer Protection Act."

Adm/Public Utilities;  Computer Technology; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations
03/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/13/2025)

28 HB5819   Rep. Lima, C. (D)
An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Net Metering

Changes the excess renewable net-metering credit to a wholesale rate.

Adm/Public Utilities;  Public Utilities; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

29 HR5834   Rep. Handy (D)
House Resolution Respectfully Requesting The Public Utilities Commission, Office Of Energy Resources, And Department Of Environmental Management To Identify Issues Related To Electric Rates And Potential Rate Reform Strategies

Adm/Public Utilities;  Resolutions; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Corporations

30 HR5969   Rep. Speakman (D)
House Resolution Respectfully Requesting The Division Of Public Utilities And Carriers Take Action To Address High Utility Bills For Residents And Businesses In Rhode Island

Adm/Public Utilities;  Electricity;  Energy;  Gas;  Public Utilities;  Resolutions; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing
03/07/2025  Committee transferred to House Corporations