An Housing Network of RI track, shared via a publicly-accessible link. Recent actions will be highlighted
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1 SR7   Sen. Mack (D)
RES. #14 of 2025: Senate Resolution Honoring Ruth Ann Madsen For Her Service To The People Of Rhode Island On The Occasion Of Her Passing

Resolutions;  Sympathy; 

01/14/2025  Recommended for Immediate Consideration
01/14/2025  Senate read and passed

2 SB135   Sen. Kallman (D)
An Act Relating To Motor And Other Vehicles -- State Identification Cards For Minors Without Residence Act

Allows a minor between the ages of 14 - 17 without a permanent residence/in custody of the DCYF to get state identification card without a signature from parent, guardian or foster parent as well as a certified copy of minor's birth certificate at no cost

Children and Families;  DCYF;  Guardians/Conservators;  Minors;  Motor Vehicles; 

01/31/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
03/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/11/2025)

3 SB501   Sen. Bissaillon (D)
An Act Relating To Health And Safety -- State Building Code -- Administration And Enforcement

Authorizes municipalities to make an emergency declaration under limited circumstances to allow for the construction and use of SAVE Units on a temporary basis which have specialized requirements and exemptions from the state fire and building codes.

Building Code;  Cities & Towns;  Construction;  Fire Code;  Health & Safety;  Housing; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

4 SB713   Sen. Mack (D)
An Act Relating To Military Affairs And Defense -- Emergency Management

Provides for warming center and cooling center alerts to trigger certain procedures municipalities shall follow during extreme heat or cold to help at-risk individuals with shelter.

Cities & Towns;  Health & Safety;  Human Services;  Military Affairs;  Public Assistance; 

03/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

5 HR5061   Rep. Stewart (D)
RES. #20 of 2025: House Resolution Honoring Ruth Ann Madsen For Her Service To The People Of Rhode Island On The Occasion Of Her Passing

Resolutions;  Sympathy; 

01/15/2025  House read and passed

6 HB5100-A   Rep. Shekarchi (D)
An Act Relating To Health And Safety -- State Building Code -- Administration And Enforcement

Authorizes municipalities to make an emergency declaration under limited circumstances to allow for the construction and use of SAVE Units on a temporary basis which have specialized requirements and exemptions from the state fire and building codes.

Building Code;  Cities & Towns;  Construction;  Fire Code;  Health & Safety;  Housing;  State Affairs; 

01/22/2025  Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing
01/31/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/04/2025)
02/04/2025  Committee recommended measure be held for further study
02/21/2025  Scheduled for consideration (02/27/2025)
02/21/2025  Proposed Substitute
02/27/2025  Committee recommends passage of Sub A (10-2)
02/28/2025  Placed on House Calendar (03/04/2025)
03/04/2025  House passed Sub A

7 HB5101   Rep. Lombardi (D)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Emergency Shelters

Establishes rules and procedures for licensing emergency shelters for homeless persons, including setting minimum standards and prohibiting the charging of fees to the residents.

Fees;  Housing;  Human Services;  Licenses;  Public Assistance;  State Affairs; 

01/22/2025  Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing
01/31/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/04/2025)
02/04/2025  Committee recommended measure be held for further study

8 HB5102   Rep. Lombardi (D)
An Act Relating To Property -- Homeless Bill Of Rights

Creates a commission to establish homeless shelter standards through regulations.

Commissions;  Equal Rights/Discrimination;  Human Services;  Property;  Public Assistance; 

01/22/2025  Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing
01/31/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/04/2025)
02/04/2025  Committee recommended measure be held for further study

9 HB5665   Rep. Stewart (D)
An Act Relating To Property -- Homeless Bill Of Rights

Updates the Homeless Bill of Rights to add rules governing the interaction with encampments and include the right to access clean and sanitary conditions.

Equal Rights/Discrimination;  Housing;  Property; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House Judiciary

10 HB5953   Rep. Tanzi (D)
An Act Relating To Military Affairs And Defense -- Emergency Management

Provides for warming center and cooling center alerts to trigger certain procedures municipalities shall follow during extreme heat or cold to help at-risk individuals with resources including, but not limited to, warming and cooling centers.

Cities & Towns;  Health & Safety;  Housing;  Military Affairs;  Public Assistance; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing