Lead & Healthy Housing
An Housing Network of RI track, shared via a publicly-accessible link. Recent actions will be highlighted
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1 SB490   Sen. Ciccone (D)
An Act Relating To Property -- Residential Landlord And Tenant Act

Requires landlords of residential properties built before 1978 to register lead hazard mitigation information with the department of health and the information would be private and only accessible by specific entities.

Landlord & Tenant;  Property; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

2 SB491   Sen. Ciccone (D)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Lead Hazard Mitigation

Substitutes "housing resources commission" with "department of health" for lead hazard mitigation purposes. It also makes it easier for a property owner to release funds put into an escrow account, if needed to make required repairs or improvements.

Property;  State Affairs;  State Departments;  Waste (Hazardous/Solid/Toxic); 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

3 SB492   Sen. Vargas (D)
An Act Relating To Health And Safety -- Lead Poisoning Prevention Act

Allows municipalities to enact ordinances that would permit municipalities and water suppliers to enter properties to perform lead service line replacements and permit tenants to request and schedule private side lead service line replacements.

Cities & Towns;  Health & Safety;  Waste (Hazardous/Solid/Toxic);  Water; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

4 SB493   Sen. de la Cruz (R)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Lead Hazard Mitigation

Allows a landlord that did not obtain a lead certificate pursuant to the lead mitigation laws of chapter 128.1 of title 42 due to the fact that the state lacks the adequate resources to conduct inspections.

Landlord & Tenant;  Property;  State Affairs;  Waste (Hazardous/Solid/Toxic); 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

5 SB697   Sen. Murray (D)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Office Of Health And Human Services

Mandates that EOHHS assemble a network of equity zones where local multisector groups of nonprofits, service providers, advocates, community members, state agencies, and municipalities can address social factors of health at a local level.

Cities & Towns;  Health & Safety;  Human Services;  State Affairs;  State Departments; 

03/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Health and Human Services

6 SB709   Sen. Mack (D)
An Act Relating To Towns And Cities -- Housing Maintenance And Occupancy Code -- Notice Of Violations

Cities & Towns;  Housing; 

03/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

7 SB718   Sen. Appollonio (D)
An Act Relating To Property -- Residential Landlord And Tenant Act

Limits the mandatory rental registry to properties constructed prior to 1978, and further push out the effective date of registration to September 1, 2025, with the penalty clause becoming effective as of October 1, 2025.

Housing;  Landlord & Tenant;  Providence; 

03/07/2025  Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government

8 HB5375   Rep. Morales (D)
An Act Relating To Health And Safety -- Lead Poisoning Prevention Act

Allows municipalities to enact ordinances that would permit municipalities and water suppliers to enter properties to perform lead service line replacements and permit tenants to request and schedule private side lead service line replacements.

Cities & Towns;  Health & Safety;  Property;  Water; 

02/07/2025  Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing
02/21/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/27/2025)
02/27/2025  Committee postponed at request of sponsor

9 HB5704   Rep. Kislak (D)
An Act Relating To Health And Safety -- Pesticide Control

Creates rodent integrated pest management pilot programs for municipalities. That choose to participate. Reports would be approved by the municipality's mayor or administrator and would be submitted to the department of environmental management.

Animals;  Cities & Towns;  Health & Safety;  State Departments; 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing
03/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/07/2025  Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/11/2025)

10 HB5721   Rep. Newberry (R)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Lead Hazard Mitigation

Allows a landlord that did not obtain a lead certificate pursuant to the lead mitigation laws of chapter 128.1 of title 42 due to the fact that the state lacks the adequate resources to conduct inspections.

Landlord & Tenant;  Property;  State Affairs;  Waste (Hazardous/Solid/Toxic); 

02/26/2025  Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections
02/27/2025  Committee transferred to House Judiciary

11 HB5849   Rep. Tanzi (D)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Office Of Health And Human Services

Mandates that EOHHS assemble a network of equity zones where local multisector groups of nonprofits, service providers, advocates, community members, state agencies, and municipalities can address social factors of health at a local level.

Cities & Towns;  Health & Safety;  Human Services;  State Affairs;  State Departments; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Health & Human Services

12 HB5906   Rep. Casey (D)
An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Lead Hazard Mitigation

Substitutes "housing resources commission" with "department of health" for lead hazard mitigation purposes. It also makes it easier for a property owner to release funds put into an escrow account, if needed to make required repairs or improvements.

Property;  State Affairs;  State Departments;  Waste (Hazardous/Solid/Toxic); 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Judiciary

13 HB5917   Rep. Casey (D)
An Act Relating To Property -- Residential Landlord And Tenant Act

Limits the mandatory rental registry to properties constructed prior to 1978, and further push out the effective date of registration to September 1, 2025, with the penalty clause becoming effective as of October 1, 2025.

Housing;  Landlord & Tenant;  Property;  Providence; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Judiciary

14 HB5918   Rep. Casey (D)
An Act Relating To Property -- Residential Landlord And Tenant Act

Requires landlords of residential properties built before 1978 to register lead hazard mitigation information with the department of health and the information would be private and only accessible by specific entities.

Health & Safety;  Housing;  Landlord & Tenant;  Property; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Judiciary

15 HB5921   Rep. Cruz (D)
An Act Relating To Towns And Cities -- Housing Maintenance And Occupancy Code

Allows for a tenant to withhold payment of rent, and deposit the rent accruing into an escrow bearing account, upon the issuance of a second notice of violation by an enforcing officer for any state or local minimum housing code enforcement agency.

Cities & Towns;  Housing;  Landlord & Tenant; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Judiciary

16 HJR5970   Rep. Handy (D)
Joint Resolution Creating A Special Legislative Commission To Study And Provide Recommendations For The Creation Of A Statewide Whole-Home Repairs Program

Creates 12-member commission to study and provide recommendations for the creation of a statewide whole-home repairs program, and who would report back to the General Assembly by January 5, 2026, and would expire on March 5, 2026.

Commissions;  Housing;  Resolutions; 

02/28/2025  Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing